Quality air for all!

Expert choice Co2 Sensor Alexis Leiva   Alexis is an ag technology specialist with 18 years of experience in the field and specializes in electronic control systems. Alexis qualifies himself as a tech geek and is eager to pass his knowledge on to producers here...

Filled up bins for well-fed animals!

Expert choice July 2021 Zaxe Bin Scale Jackson Zenatti   Jackson is a swine specialist with 15 years of experience helping pig producers improve their productivity and results by using better management techniques in farms in Latin America. As of today, he...

A high-tech automated feeding system for your loose housing sows!

Expert choice June 2021 Zaxe Sow Feeding Station in Gestation Joel Phelps   With over 35 years of experience in the swine industry and a co-owner of a 18,000-sow farrow to wean operation in Ontario, Joel is a swine specialist with experience in production,...

The perfect trio for your cows!

Expert choice May 2021 Zaxe Weather Station, Lux Sensor and Relative Humidity Sensor Nora Wolske   Having spent the last 20 years in the ag industry, Nora has been focussing her work, for the most part, on providing smart solutions to producers that go beyond...